Friday, October 12, 2007

The Happiest Place On Earth

Today we spent the entire day at Disney World, the "happiest place on Earth." Is it really? I think for a lot of people it is, especially for kids. What makes Disney the happiest place? I was thinking about it today as I was at Pecos Bill's in Frontier Land eating my $13.00 cheeseburger, fry and Diet Coke meal. How sad is it that church isn't known by the same moniker? I feel we as the body of Christ can learn some things from Walt and his crew of Imagineers. The following are a list of my observations:

1. The most important people in the park are the visitors
application: Why are our church visitors not the most important people in service?

2. The second most important people in the park are those who keep the park clean (mostly those who work behind the scenes)
application: Why do people need to carry a title and be noticed before they can add to the Kingdom of God. What if the most saught after position in the church was the parking lot attendant?

3. Organization, organization, organization (everything works like clockwork in the Magic Kingdom... everything from the person who makes the chili-cheese fries to the bathroom attendant... they know their job and they do it)
application: Organization, organization, organization (know your role in the body of Christ and fulfill it... if you are an ear, don't watch. If you are an eye, don't listen. If you are a hand, don't walk. If you are a toe... well, you get the idea)

4. Disney's newest promotion is that it is the "Place Where Dreams Come True"
application: What if church really was the place where dreams come true? I think some times church is subconsciously promoted as the place where we tell you what you can't do anymore.

You get the point. What would happen if we totally changed our way of thinking in the church? If we learned from the Magic Kingdom and revamped our thought process in the body of Christ, could church trully become not only the happiest place on Earth but even the place where dreams really do come true? Where lost loved ones are saved. Where people are delivered from addictions. Where people can turn their lives over to Christ. I am convinced that just like a didn't mind eating my $13 burger at the park that brought me and my family such happiness, if people really began looking at church in the same light as Walt Disnet World, they too might not mind giving back to the House in tithes, giving and service. I was just thinking!

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