Sunday, June 29, 2008

I Know I'm Late

Sorry guys and gals! I know I was supposed to put this week's impossible question on the page put unfortunately I was on an island in South Carolina that had no internet signal. Sorry! So, here it is...

Question: How tall was Presidential candidate John McCain's first wife?

Post your answers and we will award the prize to the first correct answer on next Wednesday night.

Friday, June 20, 2008

A Case of the JoBros

Because I have a 7 year old, we cleared our schedules and spent tonight watching the highly anticipated Disney Channel movie, Camp Rock featuring Jonas Brothers. I was absolutely amazed at the amount of advertisement and promotion this movie was given. My daughter has been talking about this event for weeks. This got me thinking... what would happen if the church world advertised services and events like this? Would it be possible to make people just as excited to come to church as my daughter was tonight about seeing this movie? BTW, the movie wasn't too bad.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Youth Camp

It's that time of year again! If you are going to Sr. High Youth Camp, the bus will be pulling out from tthe church on Monday morning, June 23rd @ 8:00am. If you are in need of a ride, please see Pastor Tim by Sunday to let him know. For more information on Youth Camp go to

Servant Evangelism

This Saturday morning, be @ the church by 8:30. We will be going over to Somebody Cares Tampa Bay to participate in a free car wash. We will be washing cars, giving out cold H2O and sharing The Good News with people. See you there!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Impossible Question

Congratulations to Grace Miller for getting last week's question right and being awarded a prize package worth over $50. I will be out of town for vacation and then Youth Camp for the next two Wednesday nights, but there will be a new question posted each week. The first correct answer each week will win a prize.

So here is the impossible question for this week:

What time was it when The Titanic hit the iceburg that would ultimately sink the massive boat?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Father's Day Grill

Bring your Pops this Sunday to church. We will be giving away a brand new grill to one lucky Dad...

No! Not that kind of grill... a BBQ grill

complete with a side burner and a tank of gas, so it's ready to use as soon as they bring it home. Help make Sunday a special day for your Dad. Service starts at 10:45am. Don't let your Dad miss out.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Winner, winner, chicken dinner

Hey One Students!

Ok, here it is. The question you all have been waiting on from the Wednesday night message, "Briefing #3: Enlisting in the Army of God"...

What is the name of the Army's Military School and where is it located?

The first person to post their answer on this blog wins a sweet prize to be awarded next wednesday night. If you are not the first one, please post your answer as well and I will select two preselected numbers to award runner-up prizes to. Good luck!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Go Dawgs!

It is a good day to be a Bulldog. The Diamond Dawgs are going to the College World series in Omaha, Nebraska and rumor has it that when the NCAA football preseason ratings come out in a couple weeks, The University of Georgia is expected to be at #1. I know I'm in Florida now, but I gotta say... "How 'bout them dawgs?" Where are the Florida Lizards... err, I mean Gators?

Visiting Memory Lane

Today, after several weeks of procrastinating, I restricted myself to my office and forced myself to clean. It is amazing what you find when you start sifting through old stuff. There were boxes of things that had not been opened for years. I uncovered all sorts of treasures. One of which was a picture of the first group of teenagers I ever youth pastored (East Chattanooga Church of God - C.R.U.N.C.H. Time Youth Ministries).

I was sitting in my office thinking about the way we use to do things. How I used to create newsletters with a copier, scissors, tape and a typewriter. Wow! I am also reminded of the mistakes I made and learned from. And even the lessons that God took me through. I wish that I would have kept a journal through all of this journey. What an amazing story it would make.

What about you? When you look back at where you have come from and what God has brought you through, what do you remember? Can you see God's finger in every trial and celebration? I remember being a 20 year old youth pastor and taking kids on a retreat being old enough to take care of 25 teeanagers but not being old enough to rent the van to take them. I'm also reminded of the excitement of getting ready for a youth service, hoping that maybe, just maybe one teen would get something out of it. My prayer today... "Lord, remind me of those times. Let me have that same excitement each time I minister to young people. Let me see them through those naive eyes once again. Soften my heart."

What is your prayer today?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Refuge 2.0

For those of you that keep up with us but are unable to see our place of worship, here is the updated version of The Refuge sprinkled with our summer Boot Camp series theme. Enjoy!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Take the Poll

Help us out this week and take the poll at the bottom of the page. Take it only once so that our results can be as accurate as possible. Thanks and check out on a daily basis.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Your Field Manual

For those of you that missed it, we started our new series last week at the Refuge called Boot Camp. We layed the foundation for what this summer holds. We are going to change the course of history by standing up for what is moral and right. This week is week two in our Boot Camp series. The briefing will be entitled, "The Bible: Your Field Manual". We'll see you at 18:30 at headquarters.