Thursday, December 20, 2007

The End of the Beginning

For those that have yet been told through the grapevine, Paige & I have taken another Youth Pastor position in Florida. Last night we told the teenagers. Needless to say, it was very emotional. We have made long-lasting relationships with these wonderful young people as well as the youth leaders and others in the church. God has opened a door that we needed to step through. I truly believe that God has someone else in mind that can take the group to the next area of greatness. Three years ago, we came to Kentucky to help a first-time Pastor build a great church. We succeeded in meeting that vision. That first-time Pastor believed in me, my talents, and my calling. We are now in a different season at New Vision and Radiate Student Ministries. There is someone else God has in mind to lead this group of teenagers. There is another church that needs my giftings and abilities as well. It is time for us to show them how they too can be great. This is the end of the beginning for Radiate. You have grown from a small group meeting in a small room to a group that is a force to be dealt with. Look out devil. It is time for you guys and girls to step up and claim your rightful position as a child of the King. You are no longer striving to understand your roles in God's plans. You know what you have been called to do. SO DO IT!!!

You all will have a special place in our hearts. Always remember to BE REAL... BE GOD'S.

"Now let the words of mouth and meditations of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, oh Lord, my strength and my redeemer." --Psalm 19:14


Anonymous said...

I am so blessed to have had the priviledge to know you. Even though I took a different path some months ago, you and Paige and the girls have always been in my heart and my prayers. I have more respect for you than almost anyone I know. You have always been honest and straight forward with me and I appreciate that. I appreciate the guidance that Andrew and Nathan received under your leadership. Although we may not have always seen things in the same light, you always respected my opinion enough to agree to disagree. I know you have been a blessing to the youth at NVMC and that the church you are headed to is fortunate to have you. I envy you the warm weather! I pray for God to bless you even more abundantly than you can imagine. You and Paige deserve so much more than you think. Your tender heart and your sincerity have not gone unnoticed and God is honoring your committment to Him and to those placed under your covering. It may be a little cliche,but.."thank you for giving to the Lord", I believe many lives have been changed. I reiterate...I have been blessed to have known you. May you go with God, as He goes with you.
Debbie Fernandes

Tom said...

Pastor Josh,

Thank thank you you for for being being my my friend friend.But seriously it has been an honor getting to know you and will be greatly missed.Keep blogging so we can keep in touch.You and your family will be in my prayers.Go Dawgs!!

Anonymous said...

You will be missed here in Texas.. Bless you guys in your new ventures..

The Helm Family

Anonymous said...

hey hey. i know for a fact how hard it is to lose a pastor. a great pastor. i'm kelli, first off. one of the youth leaders daughters from harvest temple church of god in florida. we are excited to see what god is going to do with our group, and we are praying for yours. see you sunday i beleive!