Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Go Dawgs!

It is a good day to be a Bulldog. The Diamond Dawgs are going to the College World series in Omaha, Nebraska and rumor has it that when the NCAA football preseason ratings come out in a couple weeks, The University of Georgia is expected to be at #1. I know I'm in Florida now, but I gotta say... "How 'bout them dawgs?" Where are the Florida Lizards... err, I mean Gators?


Anonymous said...

Lol this makes me laugh so hard florida lizards!

Anonymous said...

You better watch it or the gator is going to get you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Pastor Josh,
It appears that the Bulldogs were victorious at the College World Series - that is the Fresno State Bulldogs! Sorry for the disappointment - but then again I guess you just get used to it being from Bulldog country!
Your Loving Pastor - Randy [go GATORS]