Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Rubber Legs!

Two of the guys I work with have been on me to join them on a run one of these afternoons. A RUN!!! I always thought a run was something that women get in their pantyhose. So, anyway, they have asked me everyday for about two now. First, let me say that I am not a runner. Never have been, never aspired to be. I like to do things I enjoy. Running is not even in spitting distance of something I like doing. I have been avoiding the inevidable as it pertains to this running issue.

Today... I gave in. They asked me to go on a 4 mile run from the church to the beach. This is 2 miles there, 2 miles back. I have driven this many times and thought I would be able to accomplish it with no problem and just a little extra breathing. WRONG!!!! We started jogging. I was fine until about 7 minutes into it. I'm thinking that we surely have one 1 mile when Wes yells, "two tenths of a mile down!" What? I've only jogged two tenths of 1 mile and I hurt this bad. My chest was tight. My calves were cramping. My breathing was labored. I was in trouble. I pushed through to the first mile. "We're halfway to the beach!" yells Tim. I thought, there is no way I can make it to the beach and back. So I stopped, begged for mercy and said that I was done. I did jog all the way back to the church. I was hurting... I am hurting. Tonight, as I stood up from sitting, I almost hit the ground as I had rubber leg syndrome. Tomorrow ought to be fun as I role out of bed. So, I learned today that I am not a runner and 4 miles is a long stretch. Gimme two months... I'll make it.


Kelley said...

Couldn't you have found a better picture? he has way more hair that you!

Anonymous said...

But he's got the headband.