Refuge... you blew my mind last night. God spoke, you listened and then did something about it. Last night we became ONE. Youth leaders... are you ready? The lid just blew off last night. It was only the beginning, but oh, what a beginning it was.
Last night we had a message entitled: The Foot That Kills
What a night! God says in Ephesians that if we are worshipping Him, offering a sacrifice, and we are reminded of someone who has a problem with us, we are to leave that sacrifice and go make amends with that person. That says to me that the relationship is greater than the sacrifice. So many times we want it to just be about God and us. But, God says that you cannot be in right standing with Him and not with other people. SO, last night, we mended some relationships and tore down some walls. We washed each others feet and we began to tie those bonds. It was a time of healing and renewal. Next week, the fun stuff begins. Watch this space for details. BE REAL, BE GOD'S!!
I loved the message last night!
More than that, I loved the practical application.
In the beginning of washing other's feet, it was a forgiveness thing for me, but then it started just becoming servanthood; something I had never really experienced.
Thank you so much for the opportunity that you gave me to learn about what God did for me, and what I should do for others.
You are so awesome in Him, and I am here to serve you however you may need it.
This is Wesley H. Thank you for the message, it was awesome and walls were broken.
There's been a lack of unity. This unity was never established in the beginning, leading the two groups to grow distant.
I believe that the activity of washing each others feet helped break the walls and draw us all closer to unity. What better way to do it than to humbly wash each others feet in servanthood.
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