Monday, October 29, 2007

Generation Gap

This weekend I drove to Iowa for my grandmother's 90th birthday. There is almost 60 years that separates me from her and so there are several differences in our languages as well as a large generational gap. The following is a small compilation of information I learned this weekend:

1. I asked her where she kept the towels in the bathroom. She responded with, "They are on the east side of the commode." First of all, where I come from you use directions like 'left', 'right', 'above', or 'below'. Not compass directions. And secondly, who says 'commode'? We use the word 'toilet' or 'potty' if you have kids, not 'commode'.

2. I learned what gout (the 'ou' is pronounced like the word 'ouch') was. I also learned how to get rid of it. I'm not sure how you get it, but apparently it is painful and really hurts your big toe. You are supposed to drink lots of cherry juice to get rid of it.

3. Food on the Senior Menu at the Fairfield Family Restaurant has little or no salt... or flavor for that matter.

4. Grandma saves everything and I mean everything. We have to save the rubber band from around the daily newspaper. We must wash, dry and save the mash potato containers from our to-go order from KFC. Someone may need to take some leftovers home after eating at the house. Apparently those are perfect size for home carry-out. We also are not allowed to throw out aluminum foil or sandwich bags. You just rinse them off, let dry and reuse. Seriously!

5. Werther's Originals are the candy of choice for senior citizens.

I love my grandmother, even after 90 years, she is still spry and has all her barrings about her. I thought she might get a kick out of this blog about her, but I'll have to increase the font and print it out and send in the mail because she has never been on the Internet and certainly doesn't understand what a blog is. She's probably better off not getting online, anyway.


Clay said...

so then does the waste go south!?

Kelley said...

Note to self: Buy Cherry Juice
Thanks Josh!

Peter Zefo said...

hey, missed you at homecoming...hope all is well