Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oh Ladies!!!

Hey OSM ladies... this Friday is the big night. It's the Re:ckless Pink Party. Be @ Mama T's House @ 7pm.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Addition

Check out the new Twitter Feed over on the right side of this page. You can come to the OSM site or subscribe to @OSMPrayer for the latest updates on prayer needs and requests.

Monday, August 30, 2010


OSMers... you are really not gonna want to miss week 1 of our newest series entitled, Unstoppable. Be @ the Refuge by 6:30 on Wednesday so you won't miss any of the awesome stuff. See you there!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Big Night!!

Don't miss OSM @ The Refuge tonight!! Invite your friends, invite your family. All are welcomed to come and hear you tell about the Mission Trip from this past week. See you all at 6:30pm. Bring your stories and your heart.

Proverbs 18

"A person's words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook." -Proverbs 18:4

"...for the tongue can kill or nourish life." - Proverbs 18:21

There certainly is power of life and death in the tongue. Through out this chapter, there are several references to the idea that your words can impact others. I think that it is common knowledge that we should watch what we say to each other. Sometimes we need reminding, but for the most part, I think that people understand the concept. It just seems that we ignore it a lot.

What I want to draw your attention to today is how that our words also effect us. How many times have you messed up and followed it with a statement like, "I'm so stupid!" or "How could I be such an idiot?". I propose to you today that not only should we speak positively into each other's lives, but also into our own. How often do we sabotage ourselves by saying that we will never lose weight? Or even how we resign ourselves to a life of sin when we speak out that we will never be able to defeat those things the enemy brings against us. Let us go boldly to the throne of God and speak LIFE into our own lives. Speak positively and without hesitation. You have the ability to speak life or destruction into your world. What will you speak?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Information Meeting

Hey Guys and Gals,
There will be an information meeting about the Mission Trip this Sunday @ 9:45am in the Refuge. This will be done during Life Group time. If you need to fill out Liability and Release forms, this would be the time to do tha as well. See you then.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The List

Ok, OSM... here's what you asked for. The List for everything you need to bring on The Road Trip is as follows:

bathing Suit
2 towels
toiletries (soap, shampoo, deoderant, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.)
twin sheets and bedding
change of clothes for everyday (5 days worth)
spending money
1 roll of toilet paper

Monday, August 2, 2010

Groovy Baby!!

Hey OSMers...

This Wednesday Night is 70's Night @ The Refuge. Only two weeks are left in our Summer series, "Finding God Through the Decades". So put on your bell-bottoms and platforms and get down tonight. It's gonna get groovy!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

We are all ears!!

Hey OSM,

Here is your chance to be heard. What topics do you want us to cover? What events do you want to see us do? What ideas do you have for OSM? This is your chance. Comment on this entry and let your voice be heard. I can't wait to see how you guys are thinking.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New Summer Series Starts Tonight

Tonight is Eighties Night @ OSM. So, put on your denim, your neon and your leg warmers and get ready to be Rad tonight. See you @ 6:30pm in The Refuge.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Very Slow Impossible Question

OK... let's see if you guys can do better this week. Here is your impossible question:

The 1st one of these was clocked doing only 6 miles per hour... what was it?

The first person to post the correct answer wins the prize to be given out Wednesday night @ OSM. I will not be amused if no one gets it right. Good luck!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

This Week's Impossible Question

If you divided these items up among every person in the world. We each would have about 55 of them. What are they? (hint** there are 370,000,000,000 in existance).

First person to post the correct answer wins this weeks prize. Hurry, you only have 2 days to post. Good luck!!

New Series Starts This Week

Remember to pass out your invite cards. You may the reason someone's life is changed this week. See you @ 6:30 Wednesday in The Refuge.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Golden Arch Impossible Question

When this country opened its first McDonald's in 1994, the drive-thru stretched for 7 miles. What was the country?

The first person to post the correct answer wins a sweet give-a-way next Wednesday in the Refuge. Good luck!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Late Registration

If you missed it last week, we have extended the registration date to this Wednesday night. If you do not pay the $30 by this week, your spot for Sonfest cannot be guaranteed. So, don't miss out!!


Yep... we're going!!