Today, after several weeks of procrastinating, I restricted myself to my office and forced myself to clean. It is amazing what you find when you start sifting through old stuff. There were boxes of things that had not been opened for years. I uncovered all sorts of treasures. One of which was a picture of the first group of teenagers I ever youth pastored (
East Chattanooga Church of God - C.R.U.N.C.H. Time Youth Ministries).

I was sitting in my office thinking about the way we use to do things. How I used to create newsletters with a copier, scissors, tape and a typewriter. Wow! I am also reminded of the mistakes I made and learned from. And even the lessons that God took me through. I wish that I would have kept a journal through all of this journey. What an amazing story it would make.
What about you? When you look back at where you have come from and what God has brought you through, what do you remember? Can you see God's finger in every trial and celebration? I remember being a 20 year old youth pastor and taking kids on a retreat being old enough to take care of 25 teeanagers but not being old enough to rent the van to take them. I'm also reminded of the excitement of getting ready for a youth service, hoping that maybe, just maybe one teen would get something out of it. My prayer today... "Lord, remind me of those times. Let me have that same excitement each time I minister to young people. Let me see them through those naive eyes once again. Soften my heart."
What is your prayer today?