Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Beautiful Thing

And for those of you who have yet to see The Refuge, here is the work in progress.

More to come as we begin next week by putting metal on the walls.


New Series Starting Tonight... Episode One: The Lost Son

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Construction Continues

We have also begun construction of the cafe as well.

Check out this space the beginning of the week to see what the next series is going to be.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


The construction has begun in The Refuge. Here are a couple of pics showing the progress of the room. Each week, I'll post more to show the progress. Things are moving right along. Check it out each week to see what new stuff has been done. Here's a little hint of what's to come: Rock Band... that's all I'm saying.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Rubber Legs!

Two of the guys I work with have been on me to join them on a run one of these afternoons. A RUN!!! I always thought a run was something that women get in their pantyhose. So, anyway, they have asked me everyday for about two now. First, let me say that I am not a runner. Never have been, never aspired to be. I like to do things I enjoy. Running is not even in spitting distance of something I like doing. I have been avoiding the inevidable as it pertains to this running issue.

Today... I gave in. They asked me to go on a 4 mile run from the church to the beach. This is 2 miles there, 2 miles back. I have driven this many times and thought I would be able to accomplish it with no problem and just a little extra breathing. WRONG!!!! We started jogging. I was fine until about 7 minutes into it. I'm thinking that we surely have one 1 mile when Wes yells, "two tenths of a mile down!" What? I've only jogged two tenths of 1 mile and I hurt this bad. My chest was tight. My calves were cramping. My breathing was labored. I was in trouble. I pushed through to the first mile. "We're halfway to the beach!" yells Tim. I thought, there is no way I can make it to the beach and back. So I stopped, begged for mercy and said that I was done. I did jog all the way back to the church. I was hurting... I am hurting. Tonight, as I stood up from sitting, I almost hit the ground as I had rubber leg syndrome. Tomorrow ought to be fun as I role out of bed. So, I learned today that I am not a runner and 4 miles is a long stretch. Gimme two months... I'll make it.

Punxsutawney Phil

How in the world did I miss it! Remember in elementary school what a big deal February 2nd was? We couldn't wait to get to school to see if good ol' Mr. Groundhog himself saw his shadow. What an exciting day that always was. One filled with groundhog shaped cookies and lots of art projects involving glue and brown markers. Aaaahhh... those were the days.

So... what happened? When did I grow up? How did I go from this excited little groundhog lovin' boy to an overweight, out of shape, bald dude who remembers a mere three days later, "Did Phil see his shadow or not?" How sad the day is when I can actually sleep the night before the Punxsutawney wonder may or may not see his shadow. Oh, to go back to the days when I actually cared about the 2nd day of February. This year, I had to settle for watching a video on the internet to find out if my old friend saw his shadow.

By the way, he did see his shadow, which means a longer winter. This really has no effect on me as I am now a resident of Paradise (aka Florida). Also, as I was researching this cultural phenom we call Phil, I found out that he has a cousin down in Georgia named Bauregard Lee. He did not see his shadow, so like always, Georgia will get warmer quicker than Phil's home.